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Welcome to my website. Find my work at Let it bleed in Berlin, oranienstr. 194

Lange Nacht der Bilder 2018

September 14, 2018

Lange Nacht der Bilder 2018



During one night Lichtenberg's art workshops open their doors to show the visitor the artist's nest, where everything is born, flows and contracts before coming to light. Here is a sample...



On 14 September 2018, the Long Night of Pictures took place for the eleventh time in Lichtenberg.
Galleries, studios and artist workshops in the district opened their doors for an evening, for a night, to give art lovers an insight into the creative work of artists, to present art in a variety of ways and to offer art enjoyment at artist talks, vernissages, concerts and art events.
From the opening at the Jugendkunstschule Lichtenberg with artists*, actors, representatives* from cultural politics and with "Lüül & Band", some guests immediately started the bus tour "Kunst im Bus - mit Christof Düro durch Lichtenberg".
This tour, sponsored by the HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft, led through the municipal galleries of the district with live music, anecdotes and stories about Lichtenberg: the Studio im HOCHHAUS, the Mies van der Rohe Haus, the Galerie 100, the Galerie im Ratskeller and the Museum Lichtenberg. There were three further bus tours, three guided bicycle tours and 33 art sites that opened their doors to visitors.


Lange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin Lichtenberg

Lange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin Lichtenberg Lange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin Lichtenberg

Here, with my very good friend and artist Claudia Stegmann

Lange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin Lichtenberg   Lange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin Lichtenberg Lange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin Lichtenberg Lange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin LichtenbergLange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin Lichtenberg Lange nacht der bilder Karmen Kraft Berlin Lichtenberg 


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