Interview in Woman‘s Day
It is generally known that the representation of women throughout the history of art has comprised of stereotypes. And even today, femininity is often still presented by the same male outlook; fragile, mystified and fetishized. This creates and reinforces a position in a world that is still mostly dominated by men. Fighting against this subjugation of women is a struggle that must continue in order to give women greater visibility not only in art but also in society.
Since the 1950s, there have been numerous female artists who have worked hard to express their voice through their art. They have tried to overthrow prevailing stereotypes by questioning them and through their work show the feminine figure in a new light; with more openness, heterogeneity and unexpected details. This enlightened creativity, as a result, has reduced the gap between the sexes and fueled a transition from traditional and or conventional viewpoints to a mentality of growing acceptance, equal treatment and celebration of diversity.
The main theme of my work is the person and their loneliness; represented as unique beings, with their complexity, inconsistency and inner struggles. A person who can remain independent and at the same time integrate into a society where their thoughts and deeds are indispensable to others. I can identify with and am moved by strong emotions, but cannot always verbally express them. Art is for me the medium, where I can communicate what I feel.
When answering the second part of the question, I would like to underline that my artistic perspective is not feminist, but feminine. By stripping down the layers of my subjects to reveal their deepest emotions and desires, I create a window into the femininity that exists within all of us. Through my work, I reflect on the concept of modern femininity and other topics close to my heart including the importance of equality, respect and freedom. I believe these are the three most important values in order to live together in a healthy society. These values can breakdown and eradicate cultural and social constructs about the differences between the sexes, which have been passed on from generation to generation and shape social, professional and artistic direction. I believe that we live in a progressive time and it is desirable to rethink dated social constructs and it is necessary to allow art to explore our individual and collective vulnerabilities so that we can experience and interpret the reality that surrounds us in new ways.