It is a story of love but without love, with interest but towards oneself, without respect and without forgiveness...
Each work is linked to a part of the story.
Artist and writer have given themselves theme and freedom in the intellectual handling of this fateful reality of today.
“How nice everything looked at first. When you pleased my ears with songs of love, of lost troubadour. You said you liked my insolent look, my wild and brave spirit. My joyful dances in the rain and my thoughts looking at the moon. You said that my light shone more than any other, that my presence alone filled the empty spaces and your wounded holes. "I fear darkness," you said to me, praying that my eyes would illuminate your path, that I would not let go of your hand because you needed all of me. You said that you wanted me only for yourself because without my light you would die and I believed you. I gave you the best of me to give you more intensity. But you always wanted more and I gave in, turning myself off more.”
“But to give you my love was not enough. My freedom and my inner strength overwhelmed you and you wanted me to give them to you as well. "If you have me, why did you need them?" you said to me, and you asked me to abandon them by giving me a crown of thorns. There came bitter kisses that hurt, piercing hugs, and bleeding words that paralyzed me. Without realizing it, I forgot to live, trapped in time and wrapped in your spider's web woven with the salt of my tears. I learned to smile without feeling, to look without loving and to hide my truth. I discovered the happy solitude when you left and the atrocious fear when you returned.”
“I became a slave to pain, locked in the fierce trap of your love. I see a door open but I cannot go out, invisible chains bind me to you. I feel frustration and I break to cry. I see a hand that wants to help me but it is impossible for me to escape. Fear immobilizes and drowns me. And when I was about to give up, leaving my head as a souvenir a ray of light came in and reminded me of what I always was, a star capable of shining like the most. I lifted my head, grabbed my strength, broke my chains and ran, ran and ran until I found myself again. Never again did I forget to live nor of this great revelation: "Love is not pain but wants your best”."
Text: Susana Kourelis